miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

A si se hace el pate !!!

Fresquitoo el pate caseritoo

bueno amigos asi se hace el pate y sus derivados kmo vianesas y shushas xD

disfruten y ojala que esten comiendo cuando vean el video xD

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

Enjoy - Disfruten

this video it's real, it's not fake.-
Este video es real, no es falso.-

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

Hey news!! noticias

hey guys
this is our mail! if you want to make your good work of the day email us your pics or video of epic gore or porn stars.... etc

and dont forget to add us to your feed



este es nuestro mail, si tienes material de lo que sea gore, ultra gore, porno, fotos, videos, etc..

por favor a este mail .... anal.suffering.baltica@gmail.com

martes, 18 de agosto de 2009

Extraordinary Video: Man Ripped in Half Still Alive and Pulsating Abdomen

Poor man lies in shock as his abdomen is pulsating. Im not sure why but its very bizarre too see this.

Horrific and Graphic Video of a Thai Soldier Hacked Apart

They hack at his Head, then hold it up and then attempt to cut off his Penis. Of course only watch if you want to see extremely graphic content.

Cannibal Girls 1973


Graphic Sex Change Operation SRS Surgery

Ifected leg - pierna infectada

Giant Swollen Leg

plis your comments ...

por favor dejen comantarios ;)

the fart monkey - el pedo del mono :S

the croposida adventure - las aventuras de croposida

the shit nigger :(

yawn !